by pataylife | Nov 23, 2020 | Speaking Topics
Presentation Color sets the tone for the first impression of your company and your event. This session will go through the emotions that specific colors evoke and how to weave them into your brand and your event. ...
by pataylife | Nov 22, 2020 | Speaking Topics, Speaking-Leadership
Whether leading a team remotely, solopreneuring, building client relationships or managing volunteers success comes down to one key factor: communication. In this session we’ll discuss and answer your questions on properly marketing yourself and your company in this...
by pataylife | Nov 22, 2020 | Speaking Topics, Speaking-Personal Development
Can you really have it all? Be the best spouse, business partner, parent, friend, sibling and more….all while curating the perfect IG feed? This session explores (and disrupts) the notions that you can be everything to everybody. This frank discussion dives deep on:...
by pataylife | Nov 22, 2020 | Speaking Topics
Presentation Being an effective leader is comprised of many soft skills and being able to both inspire and motivate your team. Understanding diverse perspectives and how to create an inclusionary culture is paramount to the long-term success of a leader and a team. In...
by pataylife | Oct 19, 2020 | Past Events & Appearances, Speaking Topics
IMEX Americas – Powerful Communication Tools – September 14 IMEX Americas – First Impressions – September 13 IMEX Americas – Defining & Communicating Your Brand – September 12 ILEA Live, Minneapolis – Powerful Communication Tools – August 8...